Downgrade an OBIEE RPD Version

Yesterday I tried to open an RPD downloaded from the server with my desktop BI Client and I get the following error:


Ok, I got this error simply because the Oracle BI client installed on my desktop was older the Oracle BI server version…. but I wondered how I could open an RPD file from an earlier version of OBI Administration.

In OBIEE, we have nqgenoldverrpd.exe utility of the Admin Tool. This utility allows us to convert a RPD to a previous version. We can find this file on the path:


Or, in the client machine (if you have intalled only OBIEE Client):

C:\Program Files\Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client Tools\oraclebi\orahome\bifoundation\server\bin

The parameters that nqgenoldverrpd.exe uses are:

-P: Repository password
-I: Repository name along with the full path that you want to downgrade.
-O: Repository path and new name of the repository you want to name for the downgraded version.
-V: Version you would like to downgrade.

From the command prompt enter to the utility directory (C:\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\server\bin)

and launch the downgrade command:

nqgenoldverrpd.exe -P Admin123 -I K:\downloaded.rpd -O K:\downloaded_old.rpd -V 354

A log file was created in the folder specified with -O parameter and “downloaded_old.rpd” will be the downgraded RPD to version 354.

Now you can open the that repository with your older version of Administration tool.

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