Michele di Nuzzo

Data Science and Machine Learning

Backing up OBIEE 12c

We will write simple batch script that backs up the most common configuration directories of an OBIEE 12c environement (we are considering a Windows installation).

Here a list of some important directories of an OBIEE 12c environment. Edit the bacth simply by adding the directories that are important for you.


Repository (RPD) files: are kept beneath the Service Instances directory. We cannot directly edit these – or copy them down to our pc and edit them there. We must use the data-model-cmd to upload/download them. However, we will proceed to backing up this folder:


Web Catalog.  In this folder the dashboards, reports, prompts and all other user content is stored, along with some catalog config files. The structure of these directories is identify to OBIEE 11g, starting with root, then shared, users etc..


The most common configuration files:

instanceconfig.xml, NQSConfig.INI, are stored in subfolders of:


odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini & tnsnames.ora.  All three of the data source connection files are located together:

<obiee_home >/user_projects/domains/bi/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core

config.xml. Security file containing, amount other items, the security realm details from weblogic:


fmwconfig  is a folder contain many security files – system-jazn-data.xml, various SSO, wallet and other security config files:


This is a simple example of a script:

REM ******************************************************************************
REM File name : auto_backup.bat
REM Author : Michele di Nuzzo
REM Created on : 15/05/2017
REM Last Modified on : 15/05/2017
REM Description : Autobackup for OBIEE 
REM Modified By : Michele di Nuzzo
REM Modified on : 15/05/2017
REM ******************************************************************************

set curr_date=%DATE:~0,2%-%DATE:~3,2%-%DATE:~6,4%
echo %curr_date%

echo offecho Backing up Repository files...
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\repository" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\repository"
xcopy /S /Y /Q F:\Oracle_BI\user_projects\domains\bi\bidata\service_instances\ssi\metadata\datamodel\customizations "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\repository"

echo Backing up web catalog.Please wait...
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\catalog" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\catalog"
xcopy /S /Y /Q F:\Oracle_BI\user_projects\domains\bi\bidata\service_instances\ssi\metadata\content\catalog "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\catalog"

echo Backing up BICONFIG...
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\biconfig" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\biconfig"
xcopy /S /Y /Q F:\Oracle_BI\user_projects\domains\bi\config\fmwconfig\biconfig "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\biconfig"

echo Backing up BIENV...
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\bienv" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\bienv"
xcopy /S /Y /Q F:\Oracle_BI\user_projects\domains\bi\config\fmwconfig\bienv "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\bienv"

echo Backing up Config.xml...
copy /Y F:\Oracle_BI\user_projects\domains\bi\config\config.xml "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\

echo Backing up fmwconfig...
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\fmwconfig" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\fmwconfig"
xcopy /S /Y /Q F:\Oracle_BI\user_projects\domains\bi\config\fmwconfig "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\backup\%curr_date%_backup\fmwconfig"

echo Backup Complete!

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