OBIEE 12c: Add page break in PDF

When you schedule a BI Answer with BI Agent to send a report in PDF format, you often need to place a page break between two different views of the analysis.

To get this you can use the CSS code:

Page-break-after: always;

With this CSS, the pdf exported generate a page break in the exact point you insert the CSS.

In your answer enter a new Static Text view, check the box “Contain HTML Markup” and add the following HTML code:

<Div style = "page-break-after: always"> </ div>


Drag the view between the two sections, where you want the pagebreak. Now, if you schedule a BI Agent that sends the report in a mail in pdf format, you obtain a page break between the two section, in the exact point you have inserted the Static Text View.

Use the Static Text View to insert page breaks everywhere you want in the answer!


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